What qualities make a good friend?

I feel like one quality that makes a good friend is honesty. It’s hard to trust someone and get closer to a person if they’re always lying to you and being fake. Another quality that makes a good friend is loyalty. You wouldn’t want someone as a friend if they’re constantly talking about you behind your back. A third quality that makes a good friend is positivity. I think having positive friends is really important because that way they’ll always be there to talk to and cheer you up. They can make you more positive and a better person also.

What is the most important relationship in your life right now?

The most important relationship in my life right now is either my mom or my sister Carson. They both are always there to talk to about anything. Carson is always there to hangout with me when i am lonely and need someone to talk to. We always make jokes and make fun of each other without being serious about it. My mom and I talk about personal things and she tries to help me make the right decisions and make me a better person. They help me when I am down and talk to me about things my friends cant.

Are you going to college?

I plan on going to college after high school. I want to go to college because I feel like it is easier to get a job if you have a degree/ major. I am not sure what i want to do when i get older, but i think i want to go into the medical field. I would not want to be doctor because that is a lot of school, and i would not want to be nurse really because i’d have to deal with a lot of different people. I feel like I would get really cranky if I was always around people.

Things I worry about

One thing I worry about is the health of my grandparents. My grandparents are the sweetest people ever and it would break my heart if anything ever happened to them. I worry about losing a loved one, especially if we are really close. Another thing I worry about is my friends being mad at me or thinking I am mad at them. I worry about being late to things, especially a game or practice. I worry about what people think of me too much, when really I shouldn’t care what everyone think. Those are a few things I worry about.

What my family has taught me

One thing my family has taught me is manners. To say please and thank you, talk to people and make eye contact when someone is speaking to me. Be respectful to  my family, friends, and elders. Another thing my family has taught me is to treat everyone how you would want them to treat you. If someone is rude to you, let it go but at the same time, don’t let them walk all over you. stand up for yourself and what you believe in, such as religion. For example, I am a christian and if someone makes fun of me for that, I’d stand up for myself.


Many complications could arise if the family does not approve of your husband or wife. If your parents or family do not approve of your wife or husband they might not allow you to marry them. Especially if they say you need their approval for a lot of things in the relationship. Some of your family may refuse to speak to you, or support you in other decisions. You could also lose their trust. I believe if you’re happy, then your family should be happy for you but that’s not always the case. Some families want you to be with a certain person and don’t approve otherwise.


In my opinion, teenagers are not able or old enough to experience true love or long lasting love. As a 13-18 year old you are still trying to figure out the world. You are still growing up and maturing into an adult. Yes, as a teenager you might find someone you really like in high school but you are most likely not going to get married to the person because you are still young and a kid. If you do get married you might have complications because you knew the person as a teenager when you met them first. You won’t know what they’d be like as an adult.


I do not believe in love at first sight because it takes a little bit of talking to get to know someone enough to know if you love them. It is not possible to look at someone and think you know them just by their looks, in my opinion. You could meet someone that is fairly attractive but then they could have the worst personality once they start talking and you get to know them. There may be some times when someone who finds someone and thinks they are gonna fall in love with them, actually does, but its not likely.

Why or why not should parents have control over the personal life of their child?

I believe parents should have control over their child’s personal life because they are the ones who are responsible for you. It is your parents job to make sure you are safe and making smart decisions. Even if you feel they are being hard on you they just want the best for you and your future. They try to keep you safe and out of harm for your own good. Parents are there to discipline you when you make mistakes too. We may not like the rules they’re giving us, but that doesn’t mean they’re not important enough to follow.

How hard is it to keep a secret?

I believe it can be very hard to keep secrets. If i have to keep a secret from some of my closest friends and family, I normally end up giving in and telling them. If one of your best friends comes to you with a really important secret and says you can’t tell anyone, you are expected to keep that promise to not tell anyone. Most of the time you should never break your promise. But I believe if what they’re telling you is going to harm others, you, or them then it’s okay to break that promise if you’re trying to protect people.